AIFs, Fund, risk assessment, AIFM, AML, KYC, Compliance, RAIFs

AML in Private Equity

Where we stand when we speak about AML/CFT for PE Funds?

#privateequity firms can offer high return and access to investment in niche markets.

In certain instances, potential loopholes in #amlcft requirements mean that certain #AIFMs do not always know the origin of the money they take in.

Relation to the #ukraine crisis?
-Many national governments and multilateral institutions announce prohibitive and prescriptive measures taken against the Russian Government focusing on #sanctions#illicit finance, and #enablers.

  • A broad ranging set of trade and financial restrictions were implemented, plus sanctions placed on individual entities and individuals.
  • High profile Russian and sanctioned Russian actors are known to have invested significant #capital in private equity funds or PE related business

What are our #recommendations:
-maintain close attention to sanctions lists and broader sanctions activities
-ensure that full KYC checks are carried out on limited partners prior to accepting any investment

-How to react if you see a hit or to perform source of capital analysis ?

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